Our Partners


Kleanza Consulting Ltd.

Kleanza is our partner in conservation, environmental and heritage story projects. They truly believe heritage has value for everyone, living and working by example. Archaeology connects First Nations to their past, informs their present, and safeguards their future. It is a privilege as partners, to work with and for First Nations to achieve their goals for heritage sovereignty.

Learn more about this amazing team!



First Nations Education Foundation

The First Nations Education Foundation (FNEF) collaborates with First Nation governments to develop language revitalization programs for at-risk Indigenous dialects, using contemporary educational practices and innovative, interactive technology. An Indigenous-led, federally registered charity, FNEF has a number of Indigenous advisors who provide valuable insight into healing programs.​ Communities are seeking to take ownership of their own language revitalization projects by creating sustainable programs grounded in Indigenous world views and training their own members to lead language instruction efforts. FNEF programs are community-owned and driven, with all decisions and power resting with the communities they serve.

Learn more about this extraordinary work!



Loop: Design for Social Good

Our talented partner in web development and design, Loop is a creative agency that uses design to help social impact organizations address the world's most pressing challenges. They design brands and web experiences that enable social good enterprises and organizations, non-profits and NGOs express their value, build support and create a culture of social good.

See more of their beautiful work!




Such an important communication tool, our partners at Podstarter support people in making great podcasts to share stories that traditional media overlooks. They are geniuses at helping content creators think differently about their audience, their content, and the connection between the two. We all benefit from their years of experience in production, design and technology, around the globe.

Listen to some of their unique stories!
